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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Volunteering F.A.Q.

Volunteering F.A.Q.

Q: What is your V.I.P. Program?

Our Volunteer Incentive Program is our way of motivating you to succeed with our organization. We know that Developing Hands will not thrive without a fiercely motivated volunteer such as yourself! So we came up with what we consider to be a fair way to compensate you for all of your hard work. It's pretty simple really: If you raise $15,000 for our organization we will pay for you to come with us to Nepal to help build the Developing Hands Academy between April and July 2009. You can come for as little as 4 weeks, or stay up to 12 weeks to really get down and dirty! We will cover all airfare, transportation, room and board, and travel medical insurance fees while you are with us in Nepal. The only things you have to take care of yourself is getting immunized, making sure you have a valid passport, and making it to DIA (Denver International Airport) in time to catch the plane.

Q: That's a lot of money. Is it really possible for me to raise that much?

Of course! Remember, you can do anything you put your mind to! You know people. Think about it, you know a LOT of people. Family, friends, friends of family, friends of friends, the list goes on. In fact you may even know someone who owns a business. With only one business you could possibly get the entire $15,000 needed for your free trip. Also, don't forget, little bits from many places add up quickly. If you can place a donation jar in a business (for example, at the register of a local coffee shop) you will receive credit for all donations received from that jar.

Q: How much time do I have to commit?

That's simple, as much (or as little) as you want. We respect that you have a very busy life already, and that you may be available a couple hours one week and then completely booked for the next 2 months...that's cool. We always have things for volunteers to do, so if you have the time, we have the task. Are you good at something? Really good at something? We can probably use your skills, whether it is website design, fundraising / marketing ideas or just a great attitude.

Q: Where is Nepal, and is it safe?

Nepal is located between India and China, and is home to Mt. Everest. Nepal is what some call a third world or less developed country. There is little infrastructure, political instability, and most of the population lives in poverty. As a volunteer in our program you need to be acutely aware of the political climate in Nepal. We do not expect any problems on our trip, but you must be aware of these facts: We will be building the school in an extremely rural part of the country, where even roads are scarce. There will be no indoor plumbing, few amenities of any kind, and NO emergency medical care close to where we will be staying. You will be required to get immunized for several diseases, you must have a passport, and you must be over 18 years old.


Q: Is this legit?

YES. We are an official 501(c)(3) Public Charity as recognized by the IRS and the Secretary of State of Colorado. We have had tax-exempt status since March 17, 2005. Our goal has always been the same: To build and maintain the Developing Hands Academy in the rural southern Terai region of Nepal. Join us today and be part of something truly rewarding.

Q: Where can I get more information?

Our website:

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