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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Special Donors

Special Donors & Large Gift Contributions

Contribution From Our Large Contributors

The Main Office

We will provide a pledge to cover the $2,500.00.
This donation is in memory of John R. Hickson and Matthew D. Richardson.

Large Gift Contribution Opportunities


For this amount we will dedicate our Computer Lab in the honor of your choosing. This could be you, your company, or someone you love. For example within the Developing Hands Academy, there could be a 'John Doe Computer Lab' or a 'Rockus Records Computer Lab.' The name will be engraved on a plaque placed above the door and will be used in all of our publications about the school with mention to the Computer Lab. This is the most important room in our school. This is where street children will have the opportunity to use cutting edge technologies, interact globally with peers around the world, and become prepared for today's globalized , technology-driven world. We plan to have at least 20 computers fully networked with internet access. We always strive to give our children the best education possible; up-to-date technology and internet access are essential in today's world, no matter where children may live.


For this amount, we will dedicate the Library in the honor of your choosing. All libraries are essential to the learning process as a place to gather information, study in a quiet place, and to reflect on a world that is bigger than our own. Our library will be a quiet sanctuary for children to escape into a world of literature, filled with shelves of books, from academic to fantasy. Our (your) library will be the intellectual center of our school.


(Office Space is dedicated to John R. Hickson & Matthew D. Richardson)

For this amount we will dedicate our Main Office in the honor of your choosing. The main office is the first place any visitor to the school will approach, and is the administrative center of the school. The main office is vital to the successful operation of our school, and main offices carry a distinct respect within the local community. You or your company's name above the main office will certainly be recognized and respected by all visitors.


For this amount we will dedicate one of our ten classrooms in the honor of your choice. Classrooms are the cornerstone of education. Your donation will allow us to purchase a desk for every child, pencils, chalk, and innovative teaching tools for our teachers. A fully functioning classroom is the best teaching aid available, and with your donation our children will be able to learn more effectively and efficiently.


For this amount we will dedicate one of our fourteen dormitory rooms in the honor of your choice. This is where our street children will sleep. Our children will be working (and playing!) hard all day, and will for the first time in their lives have a warm bed to crawl into. This is one way our school goes beyond just being a school, and feels more like a loving home environment.


For this amount we will dedicate our playground in the honor of your choice. We believe that children should be allowed to be children. One thing these street children have not had is a childhood. They are thrust into the 'real world' much too soon, and with a playground we hope to bring out the true child in them. Money for the playground will be used to buy balls, swings, and any other sports or play equipment that our children enjoy. If watching a child play has ever brought a smile to your face consider donating to this cause. This is a unique opportunity to bring joy to many children every day.


For this amount your name will be engraved on a large plaque entitled 'Friends of Developing Hands' located on the right side of the main gate to the school complex. We have unlimited space available for this plaque, and encourage you to donate at least this amount towards the construction of the school. Everyone who enters our school will pass through this gate, and your name will be permanently engraved for all to see.

Large Gift F.A.Q.s

Q: Who is a large gift contributor?

Anyone who donates $500 or more towards the building of Developing Hands Academy.

Q: What do I get for my contribution?

Beyond the feeling of satisfaction that comes with helping the less fortunate we have designated certain contribution amounts for specific rooms within the school to be dedicated in your honor, with a permanent engraved plaque above the door. All large gift contributors will also be recognized in every newsletter we print for the life of our organization as well as on our website. Your donation is greatly appreciated, and we believe that if you are involved in the creation of this school, you should receive appropriate recognition for that incredible show of support. Commemorative plaques for specific rooms are of course limited, so please call us at 720-352-7716 to verify that the room you wish to sponsor is still available for dedication.

We accept all 'Anonymous' donations and treat each of these transactions with the utmost discretion and attention to privacy.

Q: Is my entire donation tax-deductible?

According to IRS rules we can give you a tax-receipt only for the amount above the cost of what we are providing you with. In this case the item we are providing you with is the plaque. For a $500 donation, you will receive a tax-receipt for $495. With all other large gift contributions you will receive a tax-receipt that equals the amount of your donation minus $20. For example, if you donate $10,000 to have the Library dedicated in your name, we will give you a tax-receipt for $9,980.

Q: When should I expect my tax-receipt in the mail?

Generally 3-4 weeks after we receive your check. If at any time you want to know the status of your receipt, please call us at 720-352-7716.

Q: How else may I contribute to your organization?

A monthly (or yearly) donation is a popular choice with our friends. It is also great for the organization, allowing us to determine exactly how much aid we can give out over the course of the coming year. See for more details!

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