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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Programs and Curriculum

Developing Hands Academy ~ Nepal

Available Programs & Curriculum

Developing Hands Academy will provide unparalleled schooling for 3 types of students:

~ Full Scholarship and Free Accommodation for Orphans and Street Children
(60% to 65% of total enrollment)
~ Free Scholarship for General Students (15% selected by taking test)
~ Low Fee Paying Students (25 %)

Descriptions Of Programs:

Program: Full Scholarship and Free Accommodation

Our organization was established for this cause. Roughly 60% to 65% of total enrollment in the school will be Orphans and street children. In this program, we will be providing full scholarship and free accommodation for the students.

Program: Free Scholarship For Qualified Students

This will be our second major program, where we will provide a full scholarship for qualified students. These students will be above average students attending another school who wish to attend Developing Hands Academy. We will consider several factors when reviewing applicants, including academic rigor, desire to achieve, and personality. This program will include up to 15% of total enrollment.

Program: Low Fee Paying Students

This will be our third program, where we will be accepting very low fees from students. It is essential that Developing Hands Academy be a sustainable entity, and we believe this program is a cornerstone of that sustainability. This program will include up to 25% of total enrollment.

Download the Student Application here


Developing Hands Academy will be an English-medium school that will teach all grades of primary and secondary education.

We will be a completely different kind of school in Nepal.

~ We will have computers for our students, including a Computer Lab.

~ We will focus on educating the children to succeed in a globalized world, where many cultures interact every day.

~ We will respect ALL religions that our students hold, and will not stress any particular religion in our curriculum.

~ Students will be encouraged to help each other in a cooperative learning environment.

~ We will hire teachers who are able to teach up to the grade 12 level and have prior experience teaching Nepalese children.

~ Volunteers will be encouraged to actively help in teaching courses, as well as playing with and tutoring the children.

~ This will be more than just a school, it will be home sweet home with caring mentors, teachers, and volunteers.

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