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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer with Developing Hands Organization

Developing Hands is currently seeking some Volunteer help for our upcoming fund raising dinner and to sell tickets.

We are always looking for volunteers to help teach our students! Developing Hands Academy will have an English-medium curriculum, and American volunteers will help teach the children.

Before we send our volunteers to Nepal, we will prepare them to understand the Nepali Language.

Volunteer Sign-Up Form


Attention volunteers! We have a new program to help motivate you to get as many donations as possible.

Each volunteer that raises $15,000 or more for Developing Hands will have all travel expenses
(to and from Nepal) paid for!

That's right, a FREE trip to Nepal to help build the Developing Hands Academy!
(a roughly a $2,500 value)

Don't forget, the best way to get donations is to talk to EVERYONE you know about our organization and our goals. Refer to your volunteer handbook for more information.

YOU can make a difference in a child's life. Children in third world countries, such as Nepal, are the most vulnerable to the pitfalls of illiteracy. Our first goal is to build a school in Nepal and staff it with volunteers who truly care about helping children in need. Eventually we hope to open schools in other countries where needy children currently have no access to education. Education is the first step to overcoming poverty and ensuring social justice, worldwide. Volunteers are the most valued asset in our organization. Thank you for your help!

Volunteering F.A.Q.

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