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Thursday, September 24, 2009


A Warm Welcome to Developing Hands Organization

Developing Hands Organization was established to help the disadvantaged children of Nepal. We aim to help orphans, street children, and disabled children receive an education. We are completely funded by you, so please Donate Now and help support our cause. Without your support, this organization and the help we provide to these children could not exist. Support is especially important right now because we are still establishing our programs, and we would like to help as many children as possible. We are hoping to build a school as soon as we meet our initial fundraising goal. We have already received the necessary land to build a school in the Terai region of Nepal, all we need are donations and volunteers!

Our Mission

  • To build a school for orphans and homeless street children in Nepal.
  • To provide a home environment within our school.
  • To provide schooling for as many children in Nepal as possible.
  • Organization Profile

    We are a Non-Profit Organization aiming to build a school (Developing Hands Academy) in the Terai Region of Nepal. Nepal has more than 50 thousand street children who survive on the street by eating trash. Many of these children are sold into slavery or prostitution and many die every day from simple diseases. To survive most take jobs at 5 years old, and become injured as a result. At Developing Hands, we are committed to providing not only a school for these children, but also a home where they can feel safe
    ...and be kids again.

  • We are an official Non-Profit Organization recognized by Secretary Of State Of Colorado.

  • We have received our Tax Exemption Letter from the IRS & it has been effective
    since March 17, 2005.

  • Our Tax ID: 20-3022792

  • Public Charity Status: 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)

  • Contribution Deductibility: Yes

  • The people of Boulder, Colorado have supported us beyond any of our expectations. We also have supporters around the world who we would like to thank for their continued support of our efforts.

    Developing Hands Academy would be impossible without your support. Please do not think you cannot do anything by yourself. Even one dollar helps us build this school for orphans and street children in Nepal.

    Please click on the link below to view our Organization's Certificate.

    Our Certificate

    Please click on the link below to view our Organization's Bylaws.

    Our Bylaws

    Contact Us

    Contact Us

    Please contact us to give us your support and suggestions.
    You can reach us by phone, email or postal mail.

    By Telephone:

    (720) 352-7716

    (720) 212-5509

    (303) 459-7859

    By Mail:

    6137 Lincoln Street
    Frederick, CO 80530 U.S.A.

    By Email:

    General Information:


    Developing Hands Regional Office In Nepal

    Telephone: 011-977-9841323346

    New Baneswar, Kathmandu, Nepal

    Please email us your suggestions or visit our Discussion Board

    Please fill out this form to be added to our mailing list

    You will receive updates on our fundraising dinners as well as information related to Developing Hands Academy and the work of Developing Hands Organization.

    Mailing Address:*
    City, State, Zip, Country:*


    Thank you for visiting our website.

    Volunteering F.A.Q.

    Volunteering F.A.Q.

    Q: What is your V.I.P. Program?

    Our Volunteer Incentive Program is our way of motivating you to succeed with our organization. We know that Developing Hands will not thrive without a fiercely motivated volunteer such as yourself! So we came up with what we consider to be a fair way to compensate you for all of your hard work. It's pretty simple really: If you raise $15,000 for our organization we will pay for you to come with us to Nepal to help build the Developing Hands Academy between April and July 2009. You can come for as little as 4 weeks, or stay up to 12 weeks to really get down and dirty! We will cover all airfare, transportation, room and board, and travel medical insurance fees while you are with us in Nepal. The only things you have to take care of yourself is getting immunized, making sure you have a valid passport, and making it to DIA (Denver International Airport) in time to catch the plane.

    Q: That's a lot of money. Is it really possible for me to raise that much?

    Of course! Remember, you can do anything you put your mind to! You know people. Think about it, you know a LOT of people. Family, friends, friends of family, friends of friends, the list goes on. In fact you may even know someone who owns a business. With only one business you could possibly get the entire $15,000 needed for your free trip. Also, don't forget, little bits from many places add up quickly. If you can place a donation jar in a business (for example, at the register of a local coffee shop) you will receive credit for all donations received from that jar.

    Q: How much time do I have to commit?

    That's simple, as much (or as little) as you want. We respect that you have a very busy life already, and that you may be available a couple hours one week and then completely booked for the next 2 months...that's cool. We always have things for volunteers to do, so if you have the time, we have the task. Are you good at something? Really good at something? We can probably use your skills, whether it is website design, fundraising / marketing ideas or just a great attitude.

    Q: Where is Nepal, and is it safe?

    Nepal is located between India and China, and is home to Mt. Everest. Nepal is what some call a third world or less developed country. There is little infrastructure, political instability, and most of the population lives in poverty. As a volunteer in our program you need to be acutely aware of the political climate in Nepal. We do not expect any problems on our trip, but you must be aware of these facts: We will be building the school in an extremely rural part of the country, where even roads are scarce. There will be no indoor plumbing, few amenities of any kind, and NO emergency medical care close to where we will be staying. You will be required to get immunized for several diseases, you must have a passport, and you must be over 18 years old.


    Q: Is this legit?

    YES. We are an official 501(c)(3) Public Charity as recognized by the IRS and the Secretary of State of Colorado. We have had tax-exempt status since March 17, 2005. Our goal has always been the same: To build and maintain the Developing Hands Academy in the rural southern Terai region of Nepal. Join us today and be part of something truly rewarding.

    Q: Where can I get more information?

    Our website:

    Volunteer Opportunity

    Volunteer with Developing Hands Organization

    Developing Hands is currently seeking some Volunteer help for our upcoming fund raising dinner and to sell tickets.

    We are always looking for volunteers to help teach our students! Developing Hands Academy will have an English-medium curriculum, and American volunteers will help teach the children.

    Before we send our volunteers to Nepal, we will prepare them to understand the Nepali Language.

    Volunteer Sign-Up Form

    ***NEW PROGRAM***

    Attention volunteers! We have a new program to help motivate you to get as many donations as possible.

    Each volunteer that raises $15,000 or more for Developing Hands will have all travel expenses
    (to and from Nepal) paid for!

    That's right, a FREE trip to Nepal to help build the Developing Hands Academy!
    (a roughly a $2,500 value)

    Don't forget, the best way to get donations is to talk to EVERYONE you know about our organization and our goals. Refer to your volunteer handbook for more information.

    YOU can make a difference in a child's life. Children in third world countries, such as Nepal, are the most vulnerable to the pitfalls of illiteracy. Our first goal is to build a school in Nepal and staff it with volunteers who truly care about helping children in need. Eventually we hope to open schools in other countries where needy children currently have no access to education. Education is the first step to overcoming poverty and ensuring social justice, worldwide. Volunteers are the most valued asset in our organization. Thank you for your help!

    Volunteering F.A.Q.

    Wish List

    Wish List

    Please Help Us by Donating Items You No Longer Need

    Our aim is to help as many children as we can, and not having to purchase these items will let us achieve our dream sooner. Please do not hesitate to donate anything you can,
    and check back often as this list will change over time.

    1. Computers (desktops / laptops)
    2. Fax Machines
    3. Clothing for kids
    4. Shoes for kids
    5. Studying materials for kids
    6. Telephone (with speakerphone)

    We are always looking for volunteers to help teach the children at Developing Hands Academy. We will be happy to teach you the Nepali language before your trip.

    Please contact us at the following locations to drop off items from our wish list:

    6137 Lincoln Street
    Frederick, CO 80530 U.S.A.



    Special Donors

    Special Donors & Large Gift Contributions

    Contribution From Our Large Contributors

    The Main Office

    We will provide a pledge to cover the $2,500.00.
    This donation is in memory of John R. Hickson and Matthew D. Richardson.

    Large Gift Contribution Opportunities


    For this amount we will dedicate our Computer Lab in the honor of your choosing. This could be you, your company, or someone you love. For example within the Developing Hands Academy, there could be a 'John Doe Computer Lab' or a 'Rockus Records Computer Lab.' The name will be engraved on a plaque placed above the door and will be used in all of our publications about the school with mention to the Computer Lab. This is the most important room in our school. This is where street children will have the opportunity to use cutting edge technologies, interact globally with peers around the world, and become prepared for today's globalized , technology-driven world. We plan to have at least 20 computers fully networked with internet access. We always strive to give our children the best education possible; up-to-date technology and internet access are essential in today's world, no matter where children may live.


    For this amount, we will dedicate the Library in the honor of your choosing. All libraries are essential to the learning process as a place to gather information, study in a quiet place, and to reflect on a world that is bigger than our own. Our library will be a quiet sanctuary for children to escape into a world of literature, filled with shelves of books, from academic to fantasy. Our (your) library will be the intellectual center of our school.


    (Office Space is dedicated to John R. Hickson & Matthew D. Richardson)

    For this amount we will dedicate our Main Office in the honor of your choosing. The main office is the first place any visitor to the school will approach, and is the administrative center of the school. The main office is vital to the successful operation of our school, and main offices carry a distinct respect within the local community. You or your company's name above the main office will certainly be recognized and respected by all visitors.


    For this amount we will dedicate one of our ten classrooms in the honor of your choice. Classrooms are the cornerstone of education. Your donation will allow us to purchase a desk for every child, pencils, chalk, and innovative teaching tools for our teachers. A fully functioning classroom is the best teaching aid available, and with your donation our children will be able to learn more effectively and efficiently.


    For this amount we will dedicate one of our fourteen dormitory rooms in the honor of your choice. This is where our street children will sleep. Our children will be working (and playing!) hard all day, and will for the first time in their lives have a warm bed to crawl into. This is one way our school goes beyond just being a school, and feels more like a loving home environment.


    For this amount we will dedicate our playground in the honor of your choice. We believe that children should be allowed to be children. One thing these street children have not had is a childhood. They are thrust into the 'real world' much too soon, and with a playground we hope to bring out the true child in them. Money for the playground will be used to buy balls, swings, and any other sports or play equipment that our children enjoy. If watching a child play has ever brought a smile to your face consider donating to this cause. This is a unique opportunity to bring joy to many children every day.


    For this amount your name will be engraved on a large plaque entitled 'Friends of Developing Hands' located on the right side of the main gate to the school complex. We have unlimited space available for this plaque, and encourage you to donate at least this amount towards the construction of the school. Everyone who enters our school will pass through this gate, and your name will be permanently engraved for all to see.

    Large Gift F.A.Q.s

    Q: Who is a large gift contributor?

    Anyone who donates $500 or more towards the building of Developing Hands Academy.

    Q: What do I get for my contribution?

    Beyond the feeling of satisfaction that comes with helping the less fortunate we have designated certain contribution amounts for specific rooms within the school to be dedicated in your honor, with a permanent engraved plaque above the door. All large gift contributors will also be recognized in every newsletter we print for the life of our organization as well as on our website. Your donation is greatly appreciated, and we believe that if you are involved in the creation of this school, you should receive appropriate recognition for that incredible show of support. Commemorative plaques for specific rooms are of course limited, so please call us at 720-352-7716 to verify that the room you wish to sponsor is still available for dedication.

    We accept all 'Anonymous' donations and treat each of these transactions with the utmost discretion and attention to privacy.

    Q: Is my entire donation tax-deductible?

    According to IRS rules we can give you a tax-receipt only for the amount above the cost of what we are providing you with. In this case the item we are providing you with is the plaque. For a $500 donation, you will receive a tax-receipt for $495. With all other large gift contributions you will receive a tax-receipt that equals the amount of your donation minus $20. For example, if you donate $10,000 to have the Library dedicated in your name, we will give you a tax-receipt for $9,980.

    Q: When should I expect my tax-receipt in the mail?

    Generally 3-4 weeks after we receive your check. If at any time you want to know the status of your receipt, please call us at 720-352-7716.

    Q: How else may I contribute to your organization?

    A monthly (or yearly) donation is a popular choice with our friends. It is also great for the organization, allowing us to determine exactly how much aid we can give out over the course of the coming year. See for more details!


    Building Plan

    Developing Hands Academy ~ Nepal

    Developing Hands Academy Building Plans

    Lower Level

    Upper Level

    Site Address of the Academy:

    Bhalohiya -6 , Rautahat (Narayani), Nepal
    This is 220 miles away from Kathmandu Valley.

    View Larger Map

    Below is a photo of Mr. Jatadhar Jha, who has generously agreed to donate as much land as needed for the school. Developing Hands sends a million thanks for Mr. Jha.
    We hope to start construction works as soon as possible.

    Programs and Curriculum

    Developing Hands Academy ~ Nepal

    Available Programs & Curriculum

    Developing Hands Academy will provide unparalleled schooling for 3 types of students:

    ~ Full Scholarship and Free Accommodation for Orphans and Street Children
    (60% to 65% of total enrollment)
    ~ Free Scholarship for General Students (15% selected by taking test)
    ~ Low Fee Paying Students (25 %)

    Descriptions Of Programs:

    Program: Full Scholarship and Free Accommodation

    Our organization was established for this cause. Roughly 60% to 65% of total enrollment in the school will be Orphans and street children. In this program, we will be providing full scholarship and free accommodation for the students.

    Program: Free Scholarship For Qualified Students

    This will be our second major program, where we will provide a full scholarship for qualified students. These students will be above average students attending another school who wish to attend Developing Hands Academy. We will consider several factors when reviewing applicants, including academic rigor, desire to achieve, and personality. This program will include up to 15% of total enrollment.

    Program: Low Fee Paying Students

    This will be our third program, where we will be accepting very low fees from students. It is essential that Developing Hands Academy be a sustainable entity, and we believe this program is a cornerstone of that sustainability. This program will include up to 25% of total enrollment.

    Download the Student Application here


    Developing Hands Academy will be an English-medium school that will teach all grades of primary and secondary education.

    We will be a completely different kind of school in Nepal.

    ~ We will have computers for our students, including a Computer Lab.

    ~ We will focus on educating the children to succeed in a globalized world, where many cultures interact every day.

    ~ We will respect ALL religions that our students hold, and will not stress any particular religion in our curriculum.

    ~ Students will be encouraged to help each other in a cooperative learning environment.

    ~ We will hire teachers who are able to teach up to the grade 12 level and have prior experience teaching Nepalese children.

    ~ Volunteers will be encouraged to actively help in teaching courses, as well as playing with and tutoring the children.

    ~ This will be more than just a school, it will be home sweet home with caring mentors, teachers, and volunteers.

    DH Academy

    Developing Hands Academy ~ Nepal

    Our Main Goal & Services

    Our first goal as an organization is to build a school in Nepal. Local individuals Mr. Jatadhar Jha & Mrs. Shanti Devi Jha have already donated land for the school complex. As Mr. Jha has promised, he will provide sufficient land to build the school. The school will be named Developing Hands Academy. This will be a completely unique school in Nepal. Developing Hands Academy will provide unparalleled education for orphans, street children, and local children.

    We are always looking for volunteers to help teach our students! Developing Hands Academy will have an English-medium curriculum, and American volunteers will help teach the children.

    We will be providing scholarship programs for qualified students as soon as possible.

    Site Address of the Academy: Bhalohiya -6 , Rautahat (Narayani), Nepal
    This is 220 miles away from Kathmandu Valley.

    Local Business Support

    Local Business Support

    Thank you to the following businesses and organizations for their support of Developing Hands Organization.


    Whole Foods

    University of Colorado

    Van Horn Designs

    Vine Life Church

    Biltrite Signs

    Conoco Gas Station (30th & Arapahoe, Boulder, Colorado)

    Boulder Frame Shop

    Annapurna Restaurant

    Himilayas Restaurant

    St. Andrew Church

    Our Financial Advisor

    J. Scott Guffy
    Guffy & Guffy , Inc.
    8771 Wolff Court, Building # 14, Suite # 105
    Westminster, CO 80031
    Phone: 303-650-0363
    Fax: 303-650-9464
    Email :

    Financial Report

    Financial Reports

    Developing Hands Academy ~ Estimated Costs


    Cement Rs.200,000
    Rod Rs.200,000
    Brick Rs.180,000
    Wood Rs.80,000
    Labor Rs.200,000
    Water Supply Rs.60,000
    Electrical Installation Rs.75,000
    Miscellaneous Rs.50,000
    Total Rs.1,045,000
    Total Dollars $15,266.61

    Student Supplies (based on 100 students/year)

    Clothing Rs.100,000
    Books Rs.200,000
    Notebooks Rs.10,000
    Sports Equipment Rs.5,000
    Pencils Rs.1,000
    Shoes Rs.25,000
    Computers Rs.300,000
    Televisions Rs.30,000
    Food Rs.240,000
    Electricity Rs.90,000
    Medicine Rs.10,000
    Transportation Rs.360,000
    Total Rs.1,371,000
    Total Dollars $20,029.21

    Salary Expenses

    # Positions Salary/month
    1 Principal Rs.12,000
    1 Assistant Principal Rs.10,000
    1 Accountant Rs.10,000
    7 Teachers Rs.7,000
    2 Cooks Rs.5,000
    1 Security Guard Rs.5,000

    Grand Total

    Grand Total Rs.3,478,000
    Grand Total Dollars $50,810.81

    Our Fundraiaing Graph

    Click here to visit Developing Hands Academy

    DHO Nepal

    Board of Directors ~ Nepal

    We now have a Board of Directors and volunteers in Nepal. They are supporting us by finding needy students for the Developing Hands Academy. We are always looking for more volunteers. If you have any questions regarding our organization, about our school application forms, or about our scholarship program in Nepal, please feel free to ask our Regional Office in Nepal.
    They will be happy to work with you.

    Regional President

    Vivek Kumar Jha
    Telephone: 977-9841323346

    Regional Vice President

    Nisha Sharma Pandit
    Telephone: 977-9841419862

    Regional Secretary

    Bimala Tandukar
    Telephone: 977-9841869719

    Regional Treasurer

    Sanjeev Kumar Yadav
    Telephone: 977-1-5529536

    International Board Members

    International Board of Directors


    Mukesh Jha


    Keith Robinson


    Kriti Pachhai


    Apsara Aryal


    Nick Reynolds


    Our Donators Feedback:
    Let's find out why these people are donating us on regular basis.
    * I was once asked, ” Why do I like to donate to, Developing Hands. ” Well the answer is simple. For starters, I believe that if we are to make any good in this world it will have to come from helping each other out. I also believe in treating others how you want to be treated, and paying it forward. Nepal is a very interesting country with a very interesting culture. I may not have the same beliefs as the people of Nepal, but from what I have witnessed they are good people.

    I also think that if there is a country that can produce some really intelligent people like Mukesh Jha, Apsara Aryal and Shreeram Luitel then their education system should be very good. And if something as simple and meaningless as money is what’s keeping, deserving children from getting a proper education to get them ahead in life. Then I think it is completely worth the time and money. It is my hope that if everyone looked out for each other, then maybe we can have a chance of a good and rewarding life.

    Ken Leistman ( Member )

    * Developing hands is an organization that does just that - make a big deal (for the people of Nepal) out of pocket change. And it's a grassroots camp that's headed by people who truly believe in and understand their cause. To answer the original question, I decided to join in because of the people who stand behind the name, and their honesty and dedication to a cause that truly benefits everyone, include those of us who need the aid the most.

    George Veskov ( Member )

    * The non-profit organization, Developing Hands, helps to get children off of the streets and it supports the education of thousands of young orphans and homeless children in the country of Nepal. The schools built will provide shelter and schooling for as many Nepalese children as possible. I support Developing Hands because I would like to contribute to this magnificent organization and I know that whatever money I donate will help make it possible for more of these wonderful children to obtain the education and shelter they need to receive a chance of a better life.

    Valerie Sheldon ( Member )

    * I met Mukesh on a previous job I had and one day he told me that he had a non-profit organization and how he wanted to help orphaned children in Nepal by building a school. I was making very little money back then but i offered to donate to his organization each month because I believe that if God gives you good health and a life that you can make for yourself you can give something from yourself to change other people's lives. I came from a country torn apart by war and I've always considered myself lucky and regardless of how much money I make or what job I have I'll always help out people that need it. I think that this organization is a good place to start if you want to make a difference in people's lives.

    Amir Eminov ( Member )

    * Education is the key to success. I feel it is important to support all children in receiving an education, especially those children that are less fortunate.

    Monica Marquez ( Member )

    * Having grown up in a Buddhist environment as a kid, I understood the path of Buddhism. Having the opportunity in 1991 to go to Nepal I went and enjoyed the simplistic life style and the culture of the people out there, not to mention visit so many Buddhist temples and meet and re-meet some of the Tibetan teachers I had met in Boulder over the years. I really connected with some of the kids at the place I was staying at in Katmandu, and wished there was something I could do to help, so here I am helping out here.

    Chris Lyon ( Member )

    * I am very proud to be part of the Developing Hands organization. I believe that everyone can contribute to a cause that is greater than themselves . I feel that our society is too caught up in what we can do for ourselves, and we lose track of the important things in life. A small contribution can make such a big difference in someone else's life, if everyone contributed just a little bit, the world would be a better place. We take so much for granted each and every day, sometimes you just have to take a moment to think about everyone else that don't even have a warm place to sleep. Sure, I would like to help everyone in the world, but we can't do that, all you can do is help one person at a time. I would encourage everyone to think about the big picture and hopefully one day this organization can grow and make a difference in children's lives.

    Vinh Luong ( Member )

    * With all that we are blessed with in America it is nice to be able to do something for children that are not as fortunate as we are.

    Carol Caffey ( Member )

    * This is a very noble cause, I hope that all of your hard work and dedication enables these children to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life.
    Good luck in your endeavor!

    Craig Glasser ( Member )

    Here is an application form to be Our Regular Donators:

    Simply Open the link below, fill in the required information, and send it back to us. You can also contact one of our Board of Directors and we will be happy to accept any donation you have to offer.

    Application Form To Be Our Regular Donator

    This Blog is developed for helping purpose.
    webmaster: Mukesh Jha
    Please email us your valuable suggestions.

    Developing Hands Fund Raising Dinner

    Fundraising Dinner

    More Info can be found here:

    Our next dinner will be held on October 17, 2009 from 6:30-8:30pm.
    Location: 3700 Baseline Rd., Boulder, CO 80303
    Attraction: Live Music, Delicious Nepalese Food(All you can eat) and Silent Auction to support the cause.

    Ticket Prices are as follows:

    $25.00 Per Person
    $45.00 For Two
    $65.00 For Three
    $15.00 For Students
    Free For Children Under 5 yrs.

    Number of Guests

    Thank you to all who are able to join us for this fundraising dinner to help homeless children in Nepal. We could not do it without your continued support!

    Please download the slideshow here to learn more about the mission of Developing Hands.

    Some photos from our last event.